Architecture|Have a Seat

Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS celebrates 16 years of inventive and inspiring tabletops created to benefit HIV/AIDS prevention and care. These were some of my favorites from the event 

Good Word| No Time for Fake Ones

When people try to tell you something intended to kill your spirit or your dream....keep calm and say...

Architecture|Quiet on the Set!

I'm not quite interested in watching the movie version of The Great Gatsby but I will say the visual for it look amazing. Take a look at the set design here:

Are you going to see it? What do you think?

Read article here. Via AD

Music| Obsessed with Blood Orange

I found Blood Orange while listening to Their music is so smooth to listen to while working. The perfect mood music from the mind of Dev Hynes. More on Dev Hynes but let the music soothe you.

Architecture|Cool Buildings, Bro!

This complex in Beijing - SoHo houses shops, offices and other cool things. I want to go. Read article here.
Perot Museum of Nature and Science. Dallas, TX
Singapore's Botanic Gardens

Ontario, Canada
View the article on the other buildings here.

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