New Year. New Life.

Happy New Year Folks!! I have big plans for this year and I want to start out on the right foot. The whole purpose of vision boards is to create a your future by picturing it. Once you picture it, it is a constant reminder of where you want to go, forcing your thoughts and then actions into place.

This is my vision board for 2012.

I want a lot of things that are pretty self-explanatory on there....but a person like me...I would get very overwhelemed looking at all of these things thinking I would have to make them all happen by next month. So, I decided to break them down each month and create a monthly vision board to keep me on track and make sure I can accomplish all of these things.

This is January's vision board. These are things I want to accomplish by February 7th. That gives me a full month to get it together. By February 7th, I should have that month's vb ready and so forth and so on....I'm excited but I don't want to make pretty pictures...I want to make a change in my life!

What are your big changes this year? How are you achieving them?

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