Now, in London, I almost got hit by a bus because I didn't look left. In Brussels, I was paranoid about getting hit by a tram. In Amsterdam, I didn't realize I was standing in the middle of the bike lane....until suddenly dozens of bikes were headed my way...all swerving around me. The Dutch are polite. I'm sure in NYC,someone would've just hit me or yelled an obscenity. They just asked me to move...please. Go figure!
I had an hour to meet my host and I'd heard about the Febo. Febo is a fast food chain where you can get hot food (cheeseburgers, fish sticks, croquets, etc) from a vending machine for very cheap. I had to see it for myself. My host asked me if I ate there....I wanted to try it but couldn't do it. He said.."The Febo is for the people drunk or high and nothing is open. They will eat anything at that point...even a little child." Lol
I stopped at The Crepe Bar lured in by the promise of free wifi. The waiter was so nice. He talked me into eating so I had a chicken teriyaki crepe that was delicious. It was the perfect blend of flavors and filled me up without making me feel stuffed. I recommed coming there....the staff is friendly and polite. The food is good and inexpensive and they have any type of crepe you can think of...if they don't have it, you can make it,
I made it through the maze of streets to my host's house and crashed for the night.
More Europe stories, here.
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