Fitness| Square One

If you guys have been following this blog, you know that I had my bout with veganism for 3 months last year. It was in response to my body attacking itself with eczema. I thought becoming vegan would rid me of eczema and the darkness that has plagued me for the last few years.

Becoming vegan did not rid me of eczema, although, now that I'm not vegan; I do see and feel the difference in my skin. Anywho, I work at MAC at Macys Downtown Brooklyn (full disclosure here...whoa) and anyone that knows retail knows that the holiday season is the most stressful time of year. That is when shit gets real. My hours were all over the place. It was fast-paced and the last thing I wanted to do was not eat meat. Or eat healthy. Or find time in my schedule to go to the gym.

SO, I fell back into my unhealthy ways. Hard.

My collarbones that I worked so hard to reintroduce myself to are now fading in the distance. I know that I have to get back on the horse. I went to the gym once last week and I tried to run like I'd been running this whole time and umm...yea...I was out of breath before I half a mile when a little over a month prior, I was easily running a mile...not so easily but making two.

I have a goal - 5k in June. Not only do I want to run the 5k; I want to have a decent time. I think my goal is somewhere around 26 minutes. Running is a thinking man's sport. Your body kicks and screams and tells you to stop and you have to say "NO, I go this."

As for my diet, my mom saw my success with the vegan diet and she wants to do it with me. So, I guess that's where that only habit that I'm trying to kick is SODA.


I'm not used to being so open in such a public forum but life is all about sharing your experiences. So, here we go! Who is with me?

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