#BanditBooks - "Waiting in Vain" - Colin Channer

There are so many things I want to say about Colin Channer. Reading his writing made me realize just how little male writers I read. His voice was true and unwavering throughout the whole book. It felt like I was reading poetry that told a story. His masculine presence was strong throughout his writing. I loved the way he explained making love to a woman, the urges and pride of men. His perspective was very spot on and I loved every minute of it.

Waiting in Vain is a love story. It involves a woman, Sylvia, who is emotionally unavailable as well as attached to someone who doesn't value her very much and Fire who seems to be trying to catch his footing in life. In the beginning of the book, Fire (who is hot hot hot) breaks off an attachment to someone he felt he had no future with and Sylvia is trying to reconcile working a job and pursuing a passion. Sylvia and Fire meet by chance twice and they have an affair which takes them from gritty NYC, posh London and the island of Jamaica. It deals with themes contemporary people deal with - do you date someone for status or love? Do you pursue your dream which could leave you broke or do you work a job which pays the bills and leaves you searching for more?

To say this book is amazing is an understatement. I wanted Fire for myself. I felt like Sylvia was one of my girlfriends and I was rooting for her and cringing at her choices, while completely understanding who she was and where she was coming from.

This book has depth and soul. Must read!

5 Lipsticks

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